The Magic Week
Each day of the week holds magical energy
Learning associations, and correspondences to those associations, will help to manifest your intentions in a powerful way. It's all about directing energy into what it is you want to achieve. You and your intention is really all you need, but adding energy from correspondences closely associated with your intention is a useful way to stay focused and successful.
Since the possibilities are endless, I like to keep it a little more simple by organizing each days energies. I will add whatever I feel is needed even if it's not directly associated with the rest of the energy. That is my personal input for manifesting my intentions so it will not be added here.
Refer to the Moon Energy page for adding power to your spells.
Have patience; when the Moon is right, it can uplift spells; however, there is no need to solely rely on when the Moon is right. There's no need to solely rely on anything except you and your intentions really!