
This Section is not for dictating spells but for spell crafting and creating your own. The majority of entries in The Raining Book of Shadows is for successful spell work.

Spells should be personal with a lot of energy put into them so following a recipe or checklist is not something I would do or offer. I like to include energy from Astrology, Tarot, Runes, Numerology, Deities, Herbs and Plants, Scents, Stones, and Colors, then add something personal inspired by my intuition or preferences.

There are endless correspondences associated all throughout Magic so the possibilities are also endless. Although each day, number, color, Moon phase and so on offers its own energy, spell crafting is a CRAFT without limitations. Trust your instincts.... Always.

Although it helps to have an understanding of correspondences as a guide, everything you use to create a spell represents intention and focus. These are the most successful types of spells. There are no hard and fast rules to follow. Your craft is your own.

Checking what phase the Moon is in each day can enhance your spell. Each phase has an energy. Because I relate to Moon energy the most, there are times I hold a spell until the moon is in the right phase, on the right day or date, or in the right sign and what planet. This takes patience and planning. Check the Moon Energy page for more information.

Symbols and Sigils are other ways to craft a spell. Carve them into a candle, or simply draw them on a sheet of paper.