
1st Chakra

Name: Base Chakra

Color: Red

Sanskrit Name: Mutadhata

Represented by: Four Petal Lotus

Location: Near the sacral-coccyx joint at the bottom of the spine (lower back/lower pelvic)

Energy: Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the physical auric body

Regulates: Lower Back, adrenal glands, blood, skeleton, feet, knees, hips, teeth, nails, rectum and spine

Associations: Physical stability, security, self-sufficiency and responsibility for self

Connection: Earth, survival instincts

2nd Chakra

Name: Sacral Chakra

Color: Orange

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Represented by: Six Petal Lotus

Location: Just below the Naval (bellybutton)

Energy: Moves in an anticlockwise direction and connects to the etheric auric body

Regulates: Ovaries or testes, kidneys, bladder, prostate, pelvis, body fluids, adrenal glands, large intestines and lower back

Associations: Sexuality, sensuality, mentoring, honoring and nourishing self

Connection: Change and creativity

3rd Chakra

Name: Solar Plexus Chakra

Color: Yellow

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Represented by: 10 Petal Lotus

Locations: Solar Plexus (stomach)

Energy: Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the vital auric body

Regulates: Pancreas, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, small intestines, abdomen, sternum and back

Associations: Inner peace, personal power, self-confidence, self-worth, self-acceptance, trusting and accepting gut feelings

Connection: Self-esteem, relating to the world around us

(note: this section has a background color intentionally to see the yellow text)

4th Chakra

Name: Heart Chakra

Color: Green

Sanskrit Name: Anahata

Represented by: 12 Petal Lotus

Locations: Middle of the Chest

Energy: Moves in an anticlockwise direction and connects to the astral auric body or the Emotional Aura

Regulates: Thymus, heart, lungs, circulation, hands, shoulders, breasts and upper back

Associations: Love, generosity, compassion, forgiveness

Connections: Giving and receiving, unconditional love

5th Chakra

Name: Throat Chakra

Color: Blue

Sanskrit Name: Visuddha

Represented by: 16 Petal Lotus

Location: Throat area

Regulates: Thyroid, throat, mouth, teeth, jaw, neck, ears, arms, bronchial tubes/upper lungs, shoulders, tongue

Associations: Communication, willpower, truthfulness, setting boundaries, expression

Connections: Effective communication

6th Chakra

Name: Third Eye Chakra

Color: Purple

Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Represented by: 2 Petal Lotus

Location: Between the eyebrows (third eye)

Energy: Moves in an anticlockwise direction and connects to the higher mental auric body

Regulates: Pituitary glands, eyes, nose, sinuses, head and face

Associations: Wisdom, detachment, discernment, inspiration, knowledge, trusting in a higher source

Connection: Intuition, imagination

7th Chakra

Name: Crown Chakra

Color: Violet

Sanskrit Name: Sahsrara

Represented by: 1000 Petal Lotus

Location: Top of the head

Energy: Moves in a clockwise direction and connects to the spiritual auric bocy

Associations: Grace, beauty, serenity, oneness, divinity, selfless realization, understanding, enlightenment

Connection: Mental health, knowledge, spiritual enlightenment